Poitiers site

Experimental Resources (Poitiers site)

Sites web locaux dédiés aux projets scientifiques de XLIM, site de Poitiers

Les sites web dédiés aux applications développées au sein de XLIM, site de Poitiers, sont accessibles à la rubrique Développements logiciels.


Le projet TRILION, initié en 1998, a pour objectif de transmettre des images fixes et animées sur de longues distances via le canal ionosphérique. Il résulte d'une collaboration entre l'équipe SYSCOM du laboratoire SIC et l'équipe CPR de l'IETR. La page WEB suivante présente le système opérationnel et les résultats obtenus pour la transmission d'images fixes finalisé en 2005. Son adaptation pour la transmission visioconférence est en cours de développement.

MR-archi : Modélisation et Rendu d'environnements architecturaux complexes

Our work aims at defining a complete system for defining efficient representations dedicated to architectural environments. We are interested in modeling, rendering and lighting simulations. Therefore, we propose a topological model including semantics, geometry, photometry and radiometry descriptions. We have defined a hierarchical approach for modeling with multi-partitions. Our lighting simulation system handles very large building, either with radiosity or photon shooting, on a single processor or with a parallel system.

Rendu Basé-Image : Intégration d'objets réels dans des environnements virtuels

In this project, our goal is to insert image-based objects into virtual environments, using image-based rendering techniques combined with usual rendering techniques. The main problems concern: object depth, object placement, surface reshading, shadows and so on. Fisrt, we aim at recovering as much information as possible from a set of photographs (object shape, BRDF, light sources, etc). Then, recovered information is combined with the original images for the object relighting and integration into virtual scenes.

Jerboa: a rule-based topological modeler generator

Jerboa provides both a dedicated language and a software library to prototype topology-based geometric modeler in a fast and safe way. Once the manipulated objects are specified (dimension, data types), operations can be graphically defined within Jerboa by rules. A syntactic analyser automatically checks that the operation under definition is consistent and indicates what is wrong otherwise. Once operation rules are defined, the prototyped modeler can be generated and directly exploited.

Color image processing with the Elliptical Monogenic Wavelet Representation

The monogenic signal theory can be extended for color image processing. The 2d phase invariant multi-scale & edge contour analysis based on a local AM-FM becomes the elliptical monogenic representation by R. Soulard and P. Carré. We aim at making our work as understandable as possible, and our experiments reproductible. This is why a dedicated minimal MATLAB code is provided in every section. The reader shoud be familiar with basic signal and imag processing (2D Filtering, FFT).

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